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Graduate School Visited ITB Archive Depot

Kunjungan Sekolah Pasca Sarjana ke Depo Arsip ITB

Graduate School Visited ITB Archive Depot

SUMEDANG, bai.itb.ac.id – Vice Dean for Resouces of Graduate School, Development, and Partnership of ITB, Dr.rer.nat. apt. Sophi Damayanti, M.Si., with staff, visited Archive Depot in ITB Jatinangor Campus on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022. Head of Administrative Affairs and Information Bureau of ITB, Usep Mulyana, S.Sos., M.AP., with Head Divisions, were welcoming the arrival of Graduate School in Archive Depot.

During the visit, the team of Graduate School monitored the archives that had been submitted at the Archive Depot. The archives that were submitted include academic, financial, and partnership archives which were previously stored in the archive of the ITB Rectorate Building.