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Since the Decree of the Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung Number: 019/SK/I1.A/KP/2015, dated February 10th, 2015, issued, the Organizational Structures at Institut Teknologi Bandung has changed. As well the organizational structures of the Directorate of Administrative Affairs, which was called Directorate of Administrative Affairs and Legal Counsel, are divided into 2 (two) supporting work units based on current nomenclature, there are:
1. Directorate of Administrative Affairs (DAU), and
2. Institute for Legal Counsel (LLH).
Those two supporting work units are in line with the Directorate of Public Relations and Alumni and Directorate of Information System and Technology, led by Vice-Rector of Administrative Affairs, Alumni, and Communication (WRAAK).

Along with Regulations of the Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung Number: 024/PER/IT1.A/OT/2020, dated January 31st, 2020, issued, regarding Organizational Structures of the Institute Vice-Rectors and University Secretary, Institut Teknologi Bandung, the organizational structures going through changes and as well as Directorate of Administrative Affairs changes into Administrative Affair and Information Bureau, led by University Secretary.

The Main Tasks and Functions of the Administrative Affair and Information Bureau based on the Decree of the Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung Number: 213/IT1.A/PER/2020 , dated May 27th, 2020, regarding Organizational Structure and Main Tasks and Functions of Agencies, Bureaus, Offices, Directorates, Graduate Schools, Programs, Institutions, and University Services of Institut Teknologi Bandung.

Based on the decree, the Administrative Affair and Information Bureau are tasked to facilitate any kinds of operational activities in Institut Teknologi Bandung, especially those related to the management of administrative and archive, data management, information, and documentation, and secretarial.
