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Technical Guidance at Human Resources and Organisation Unit Of ITB

Bimbingan Teknis di UPT PMO ITB

Technical Guidance at Human Resources and Organisation Unit Of ITB

BANDUNG, ditau.itb.ac.id – Human Resources and Organisation Unit of ITB together with the Head of Sub-Directorate of Administrative and Archive of Administrative Affairs of ITB, Sandi Ruswandi, S.T., M.M has successfully held Technical Guidance for Educational Staff on Monday, November 4th, 2019, and the theme was "Technical Guidance for Official Scripts, Archive Classification, Archive Retention Schedule (JRA) and Archive Security Access".

The technical guidance was held by Human Resources and Organisation and Directorate of Administrative Affairs for the second time. Previously, it was held on Thursday, September 26th, 2019, and the theme was "Training for Correspondence Official Scripts and Archive" and attended by participants from Educational Staff in all work units in ITB.

The keynote speaker for the Technical Guidance was explaining the importance of Official Scripts, Archive Classification, Archive Retention Schedule (JRA), and Archive Security Access, which were related to one another. The subjects of the Technical Meeting were filled with Archive Filed, assisted by archivists from the ITB Archive. The Pre-Test and Post Test about Technical Guidance were prepared for the participants to test their knowledge.