Archive Management at ITB Jatinangor Campus: A Wise Step of ITB in Perpetuating History.
BANDUNG, History is a silent witness to the struggle, which certainly needs to be maintained and reminisced properly. ITB has taken a new step in maintaining its archives, from printed documents, cartography, to photography since ITB was born.
This archiving activity at ITB Jatinangor Campus has been active since 2021, starting with Socialization and Training of Archives on August 30th, 2021, conducted online. This activity became a focus for all supporting work units and faculties/schools of ITB to always keep paying attention to the archives of each unit to be maintained. The supervision is not only given to the ITB archive unit but certain procedures must be followed by the entire ITB community. "It's not only given directly to archive unit at the Administrative Affairs and Information Bureau. However, there are regulations contained in the Regulations of the Rector of Institut Teknologi Bandung regarding the administration of official scripts, archive management at ITB, and the archive classification and their JRA (Archive Retention Schedules) table. If it is suitable, the archive can be stored in our archive’s office,” said Mrs. Dini Sofiani Permatasari, Head of Administrative and Archives Management Division, interviewed on Monday, January 20th,2022.

The ITB archive’s office is in the ITB Jatinangor Campus which is divided into 3 rooms, with 2 rooms being used as the Archives Depot and 1 room for archive keeper on the 1st Floor and another 2 rooms being used as cartography (architectural drawings) storage on the 3rd Floor of the ITB Jatinangor Rectorate Building. However, there is only 1 room that is used for processing and storage simultaneously on the 1st Floor for printed document archives, and 2 rooms on the 3rd Floor have been used for storing archives such as cartography with photo albums. Some of the archives that have been stored on the 1st Floor are the processed Vice-Rector of Administrative Affairs, Alumni, and Communication (WRAAK)’s archives, Directorate of Education’s archives, Graduate School’s archives, and Finance’s archives. "Not all supporting work units at ITB, even faculties/schools give their archives here," said Mrs. Sri Lisnawari, A.Md., Head of Sub-Division of the Archives of Administrative Affairs and Information Bureau, interviewed on Monday, January 20th, 2022.

Certainly, some of the archives that have been stored in the archive office of ITB Jatinangor Campus are not necessarily stored permanently. Some must be destroyed and some that may have to be kept forever, based on the Archives Retention Schedule (JRA) and the Archives Classification. Some archives, such as photos and cartography, have a long period to be stored in the central of archive’s office, even photos also will be digitilized in storing them. Document archives such as invitation letters have a certain period so that one day they will be destroyed. "This destruction also has its own procedural, not carelessly, and requires a special team to destroy the archives," said Mrs. Sri.

The maintenance of the archives at ITB has just begun in 2020. Hopefully, the entire ITB community begins to pay more attention to the archives in each work unit and all faculties/schools in ITB in the future. "Hopefully, each work unit has its archive management whose human resources are from archive graduates, and the ITB archive head office is well managed with all the facilities and infrastructures, thus the entire history of ITB does not just disappear," concluded Mrs. Dini.
Reporter : Fakhrianda Aswin Luthfia Zufar (Teknik Mesin, 2020)