Technical Guidance Of “Archive Filing”
BANDUNG, - ITB through the Directorate of Administrative Affairs on Monday, October 7th, 2019, successfully held Technical Guidance of Archive and the theme was "Archive Filing for Archive Administrators at ITB". The Technical Guidance was held with the representatives from the National Archive of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI), Dra. Sulistyowati, M.M., Head of Central Sub-Directorate III as a Master of Ceremony on "Dynamic Archive Management" and Sri Gusneli, S.AP., Advanced Archivist as a Master of Ceremony on "Active Archive". The presentation and best practice of archive filing were attended by more than 50 participants from the Academic Work Unit (UKA) and Supporting Work Units (UKP) in ITB.
For more information about the Technical Guidance of Archive, please click this link. There were prizes for participants who can answer the questions asked by each Master of Ceremonies and for the best group who participates in Archive Filing. Also, each participant will get the certificate after the Technical Guidance is done.
The Technical Guidance was being held at the Center for Research and Community Service (CRCS) ITB Building on the 2nd floor. During the event, the enthusiasm of participants was keen to understand more about archives in ITB.